Anti-Corruption Seminar
Published: December 12, 2023
Lantero participated in an anti-corruption seminar on December 11th in Stockholm. The participants were mainly representatives from procurement and compliance in government agencies and larger organizations.
The overall discussion focused on the development of corruption in Sweden. The discussion covered its connection to public legal awareness and self-perception, trends, and concrete work in the field, including processes based on the new legislation. Perspectives were shared by the police, academia, the Swedish Competition Authority, the National Anti-Corruption Unit, Business Owners, and Transparency International Sweden.
Petter Tiger from Lantero contributed perspectives on the whistleblower issue, addressing how to establish and effectively work with whistleblower channels. The discussion actively involved examples of specific challenges and problems that may arise if an organization has insufficiently prepared in terms of processes, principles, or staffing.
The whistleblower issue is evidently a current topic that has gained traction in many larger organizations. This is especially true for the public sector, resulting in a more systematic approach with well-thought-out processes.
The fight against corruption is well-reflected in how an organization handles the whistleblower issue and structures work processes to support it. By adopting a serious approach in staffing, conditions for the favorable development of organizational cultures are also created. This requires, among other things independence in investigations and clear mandates in processes.
In Lantero's presentation, the importance of organizational culture was emphasized as the focal point in whistleblower work. By focusing on values, clear principles, what the organization stands for, and wants to be, one can achieve benefits that essentially overshadow the utility of the whistleblower channel itself. Organizational culture determines not only whether to report an issue, but also whether miscunduct is committed in the first place.
During the Q&A session after the seminar, topics included the international standard on whistleblowing, where Lantero has been involved in representing the industry in the development of the standard. A clear benefit of the standard was described as the international coordination resulting from a coordinated process. For example clarifying the understanding of what constitutes a whistleblower function and how to appropriately manage risks when developing relevant tools and processes.